I never thought I'd say it, but I've been sleeping at 11-12 ish every night and waking up at 7:30AM. Going to work and watching background videos for 8 hours...then coming back exhausted. Very exhausted...but yeah, next week starts the real work, so hopefully it wont be as painful.
Here's a pic of new jersey as i drove through...and I swear it ALL looked like this...i swear!!! dirty factories...ridiculous
And this is my experience driving through New York...at like 2:30 on a SUNDAY (and btw...this is like the one second that you can't see any taillights lite up...)
I was planning on maybe going up to New York to visit people this weekend, but then decided to go to Nathaniel's Birthday Party.
Nathaniel is this cute little 4 year old that I'm staying with the summer. God worked in funny ways to provide me with housing this summer. Ask me about it some time...
But heres some pics of the party and also of my gift to him...
They played with the parachute and all hid under it (theres like 20 of them under there)
We were greeted at the door by Winnie The Pooh...I wanted to kidnap it and keep it for myself
The little kids got to play with the sprinkler stuff, I hate those things that fill with water and dump on you...just go play in a pool :P
That was my week and weekend, more updates to come...hopefully